Don’t let cleaning beat you here’s how to keep on top of it.


I don’t know about you but when cleaning it can be very overwhelming knowing what to clean, when and how often. You can become too obsessed thinking about have I

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A few cleaning essentials to help you to stay safe during the pandemic 2020


For a lot of us we are spending a lot more time at home. Keeping your house clean, tidy and organised is key. It doesn’t have to be daunting but

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Amazingly awesome tips you should know and read about……


Limescale on your bathroom shower screen. There is nothing worse. You’ve tried everything but nothing seems to get rid of it….  This one relies on elbow grease, a spray bottle

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What spring cleans can do for your health. Read on……


With the arrival of spring and the better weather upon us then what more of a reason do you need for a spring clean? Whether you do it yourself or

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How to make tidying into a “game” and fun for the kids read on to see how…


The truth is kids are like a sponge they can absorb so much information and can learn behaviours from such a young age. So, if you want them to understand

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How to make your home greener.


Laura and the bees love being out in the garden and on their allotment. They find it brings relaxation and clears the mind. Why not have a look at these

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How to deep clean your mattress its as easy as 1,2,3……


I bet your thinking “oh no not more areas of my house that I should be cleaning”? Don’t worry by following these simple steps it will take less than an

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Turn your mistakes in to magic………


Are you making some of these mistakes? read on to see how you can turn your mistakes into magic ? Using the same cloth around the house?  You maybe spraying

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Amazingly awesome cleaning tips you should know and read about……


Limescale on your bathroom shower screen. There is nothing worse. You’ve tried everything but nothing seems to get rid of it….  This one relies on elbow grease, a spray bottle

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Cleaning tasks you can finish in half an hour…Read on to find out more


Are you sat there finding another day has passed you buy, and you still have a list of cleaning jobs the length of your arm? First, take a deep breath,

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