Autumn Clean up


This year’s second equinox. When day and night are the same length. It falls on the 22nd September. While the spring equinox is associated with cleaning the home, autumns rituals

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Hello August! How to enjoy the Summer months guilt free.


With those longer warmer nights and bright and sunny mornings it makes you feel more motivated to do around the house and garden. The summer months are for enjoying not

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Tips on having a clean house in the summer months.


A clean home is good for the mind and soul. Not only does the act of cleaning help you focus on the task at hand, but a clean home reduces

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Your ultimate holiday cleaning checklist


We are now approaching holiday season hurrah I here you say but do you have in the back of your mind a feeling of stress and anxiety about the things

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Is Summer just all about cleaning and washing?


When most people think about their home getting dirtier than usual, they often think of the messy winter months. But summer can just be as bad with dandelions, pollen, ants,

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How to Clean your home and give inspiration when you’re feeling tired and uninspired.


Are you feeling exhausted from all the daily chores or other activities? Does it get you down knowing that there is so much to do? Have you lost the motivation

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March’s Cleaning challenge. You in?


Homemaking at any time of the year can be a challenge to us all, but as we have said before it doesn’t have to be! This month we are putting

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Show someone how much you care this Valentines day see how…..


According to a study by ethical cleaning company Bio-D. We’re so tired of keeping the house tidy that if our loved one were to clean the house without being asked,

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Beat those January blues with this cleaning checklist!


With Christmas over, don’t let January get you down. Embrace it! We have put a checklist together to make it a little easier for you. Some tasks only need to

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Cleaning tips for pets


We love our pets they are our companions and for some our best friend. We believe that your house can still be your sanctuary even with your pets. We have

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