A clean home is good for the mind and soul. Not only does the act of cleaning help you focus on the task at hand, but a clean home reduces stress and anxiety.
But during the summer months, when kids are off school and at home more, that can seem like an impossible goal. How to keep a home clean in the summer is the question of most parents out there!
If you’re wondering how to keep a house clean during the summer months, you’re not alone! Keep reading for our top house cleaning tips.
Make a Schedule
Make cleaning a priority by creating a simple schedule that will be easy to stick to. Start by listing everything that needs to be done in each room of your home. Then, break it into tasks that need to be done daily, weekly, and monthly.
Daily tasks can be small, such as picking up toys and shoes, making beds, cleaning dishes, and putting them away. Weekly tasks should be items like dusting, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, and even laundry.
Other monthly tasks can include cleaning carpets and skirting boards, shutters, or even your car.
Assign Tasks
Cleaning your home should never be one person’s responsibility. Instead, make sure to get your family involved by assigning tasks and chores. These can be broken into daily and weekly chores which need to get done before other activities.
Even young toddlers can help by picking up toys. Older kids and teenagers can take on tasks like vacuuming and dusting, taking out the trash, or cleaning the kitchen after dinner.
By getting your family involved in cleaning a home in the summer, you’re teaching them to work ethic and responsibility. Learning doesn’t stop in the summer months!
Encourage Playing Outside
Instead of letting your kids make messes inside day after day, encourage them to play outside as much as possible. Outside pools can be so much fun!
Not only will this give your children fresh air and exercise but give them less time to make messes inside your home as well! You can extend this to eating snacks or lunch outside, as well as reading books.
Keep Cleaning Supplies on-Hand
One of the easiest ways to ensure you can keep your home clean is to make sure you always have the necessary supplies on hand. This can be as simple as adding the necessary supplies to your grocery list when they’re running low or even signing up for a monthly cleaning product subscription service.
This means that you’ll never have an excuse not to clean! If you have what you need on hand, you’ll easily be able to stick to your cleaning schedule.
Another great piece of house cleaning advice is to utilise items like toilet tablets. These can help your toilet stay cleaner for longer, meaning you can go longer between scrubbing.
Purge Unneeded Items
Spring cleaning isn’t always a possibility when school is in session. Instead, set a day aside early into summer to go through everything in your home.
Get rid of anything too small, unnecessary, or that you haven’t used in the last several months. You can give these to charity shops, pass them to other family members, or hold a car boot sale.
While you’re at it, take time to go through your pantry and refrigerator. Get rid of items past their expiration date, organise items, and create new storage systems. Once organised, you and your family are more likely to keep it looking clean and orderly!
Reward Yourself
Some great house cleaning tips can be to reward yourself and cut yourself some slack.
Rewarding yourself can be a great way to motivate yourself to clean. When you just don’t feel up to the task, are overwhelmed or tired, decide on a small treat or reward. This can be a guilt-free half-hour show, time spent on social media, or a sweet treat.
But don’t forget to give yourself a break when your cleaning schedule gets out of whack. The goal of a cleaning schedule is a clean house and peace of mind, not feeling stressed about sticking to a specific task list.
Hire a Cleaning Service
If cleaning a home in the summer is too much to handle, consider hiring a cleaning company. This can be once, top-to-bottom job, or even a regularly scheduled occurrence.
A cleaning service can help you save time and energy by helping you with your cleaning tasks. You’ll benefit from a clean home without the stress or effort of cleaning it yourself.
There are two major benefits to having professional cleaners in your home. First, they can help keep germs and bacteria at bay. Your family will be healthier with less sickness as a result.
Second, they can help clean those easily forgotten places. Items like skirting boards, fans, or shutters that collect dust. A cleaning service can help regularly address those areas, ensuring a more clean environment overall.
How to Keep a House Clean in Summer
If you’ve been wondering how to keep a house clean, regardless of the season, we’re here to help! We hope these tips and tricks can help you enjoy a cleaner home with less clutter.